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Applications in the Classroom

Graphing Calculator Software Applications (APPS) are pieces of software that can be downloaded onto a TI graphing calculator as you would add software to a computer to enhance its capabilities.
Verlag: T³ Europe
Herausgeber: Koen Stulens
Autor: Martin van Reeuwijk, Serge Etienne, Hildegard Urban-Woldron, T³ Europe
Fach: Mathematik , MINT
Schlagwörter Algebra , Analysis , Animationen , Analysis , Messwerterfassung , Dynamische Simulation , Finanzmathematik , Ungleichungen , Kegel , Tabellenkalkulation , Fläche
The graphing calculator has changed and is still changing the way of teaching mathematics all over the world. For students, the TI-84 Plus is not only a tool to check their results but also a very useful assistant to help them approach a problem from different points of view: a numerical, graphical, statistical and/or geometrical approach. More than ever it makes it possible for students to investigate, to explore and to discover mathematical properties. Different approaches to a problem will improve the students’ insight into the material, resulting in an increase of the students’ motivation and commitment.
Graphing Calculator Software Applications (APPS) are pieces of software that can be downloaded onto the TI-83 Plus (Silver Edition) and the TI-84 Plus (Silver Edition) as you would add software to a computer to enhance its capabilities. APPS do not only allow you to customize your calculator to meet your class needs, but also to upgrade it from one year to the next. The use of APPS increases the self activity of the students, makes the visualization of problems easier and creates a useful integration of technology during problem solving. APPS offer new teaching and learning tools, not only for math but also for science, economics, and many other subject areas. The larger memory and the USB port of the TI-84 Plus and the TI-84 Plus Silver Edition turn these graphing calculators into an interdisciplinary IT platform. Combining these calculators with the Vernier Easy products transforms them into a data logger. Just connect the Easy products to the USB port and the data logging starts automatically.
With this book a T³ Europe interest group, formed by Serge Etienne (FR), Koen Stulens (BE), Hildegard Urban-Woldron (AT) and Martin van Reeuwijk (NL) presents educational examples to show the benefits of integrating APPS in math (and science) education.