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Are Mathematical and Scientific Models different?
Using the fitting of curves to cables this activity examines the nature of scientific and mathematical modeling. Either student instruction or CPD for professionals.
Verlag: T³ Europe
Autor: Ian Galloway
Fach: STEM

Andragradsekvationer på djupet
Ma 2 - Algebra - I denna aktivitet går vi igenom vad begreppet kvadratkomplettering innebär.
Verlag: Texas Instruments Sverige | Education Technology
Autor: Texas Instruments Inc.
Fach: Mathematics

Algebra with the TiNspire CX - Step by Step
Solve Algebra Problems - Step by Step - using the TiNspire CX or TiNspire CX CAS
Autor: SmartSoft
Fach: Mathematics

Att tillverka en låda med största möjliga volym
Ma 2 - Linjära och icke linjära modeller | Tillverka en låda med rektangulär botten
Autor: Texas Instruments Sverige | Education Technology
Fach: Mathematics

Découverte du logiciel TI-SmartView CE - Utilisation
Découvrez les différentes fonctionnalités du logiciel TI-SmartView CE.
Autor: Texas Instruments France
Fach: Mathematics

Linear, Quadratic and Cubic Function Explorer
Explore linear, quadratic and cubic functions, their graphs and their different algebraic representations.
Verlag: Texas Instruments UK
Herausgeber: Barrie Galpin
Autor: Nevil Hopley
Fach: Mathematics

Connecting Algebra, Geometry and Graphs
Move from words to symbols, to geometric representations, to plotted points and finally to graphs.
Verlag: Texas Instruments UK
Herausgeber: Barrie Galpin
Autor: Allan Duncan
Fach: Mathematics

Intersecting Tangents of a Parabola
Construct two tangents to a parabola and investigate the coordinates of their point of intersection.
Verlag: Texas Instruments UK
Herausgeber: Barrie Galpin
Fach: Mathematics

Use an introduction to 3D graphs to reinforce understanding of 2D graphs. (Operating System 3.x)
Verlag: Texas Instruments UK
Herausgeber: Barrie Galpin
Autor: Nevil Hopley
Fach: Mathematics

Quadratic theory Higher maths exam questions
Higher maths exam level questions on quadratic theory.
Verlag: Texas Instruments UK
Herausgeber: Barrie Galpin
Autor: David J C Elgin
Fach: Mathematics

Explore the role of the discriminant in describing the roots of quadratic equations.
Verlag: Texas Instruments UK
Herausgeber: Barrie Galpin
Autor: Andy Kemp
Fach: Mathematics

Recognise a quadratic in a realistic context and solve an optimisation problem
Verlag: Texas Instruments UK
Herausgeber: Barrie Galpin
Autor: Allan Duncan
Fach: Mathematics

Use your Nspire, effectively, to pick up extra marks in your GCSE or IGCSE exam.
Verlag: Texas Instruments UK
Herausgeber: Barrie Galpin
Autor: David Getling
Fach: Mathematics

Explore functions in a novel environment - moving points on two parallel lines.
Verlag: Texas Instruments UK
Herausgeber: Barrie Galpin
Autor: Andy Kemp
Fach: Mathematics