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Grove 4-digit Display - Migrating an Arduino library to Nspire Python
This project demonstrates the steps involved with migrating an existing driver library from Arduino to TI-Nspire Python, creating a 4-digit display library for the TI-Innovator system.
Verlag: T³ Deutschland - Materialien
Autor: Hans-Martin Hilbig
Fach: Computer Science, STEM

TI Innovator HUB : Folow the sun (brightness sensors)
When you use two brightness sensors (external) you can easy track the sun. It's very easy in comparison with use of 1 brightness sensor.
Verlag: Franklin Neyt
Fach: STEM

Mind your distance - Adding wireless control to TI-Rover
Use a standard model airplane R/C transmitter & receiver for wireless remote control of TI-Rover's direction of movement via analog voltages fed into IN1/2 ports.
Autor: Hans-Martin Hilbig
Fach: STEM

Leer leerlingen hun eigen STEM-project te bouwen en motiveer hen te experimenteren met wiskundige en wetenschappelijke projecten.
Autor: Ludovic Wallaart
Fach: Mathematics, Physics, STEM

Science Olympiad Detector Building Event
Resources to support the Detector Building Event which will be a required event in Science Olympiad Division C (High School) Competitions in 2019-20 and 2020-21.
Verlag: Texas Instruments Inc., Texas Instruments Education Technology
Autor: Texas Instruments Education Technology
Fach: Computer Science, STEM

Drive Rover only with head movement.
Autor: Alexandre Gomes
Fach: Biology, Computer Science, Physics, STEM

A Hand that can move fingers
Autor: Medhat Merabi, Antoine Fayad, Mohamed AbdelBaqi
Fach: Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics

Video | Elektriskt kopplingsschema
Rita ett elektriskt kopplingsschema
Verlag: T³ Sverige
Fach: Mathematics, Physics, STEM

Exemplet visar vågrörelser där man bl.a. tar hänsyn till hur ljuset bryts.
Verlag: T³ Sverige
Fach: Mathematics, Physics, STEM

Widget exempel - Kraft-figurer och grafer - TI-Nspire teknik
Exempel med kraft och grafer
Verlag: T³ Sverige

Widget exempel - Modell och lösning - TI-Nspire teknik
Färdigt exempel som är gjort med appen Rita symboler i fysik och matematik
Verlag: T³ Sverige
Fach: Mathematics, Physics, STEM

Koda med TI | Ljusintensitet, If och While | TI-Nspire CX CAS
Kapitel 3 - Övning 2 - Ljusintensitet och ljus med If och While
Verlag: Texas Instruments Sverige | Education Technology
Autor: TI Sweden
Fach: STEM

Koda med TI | Ljusintensitet, If och While | TI-Nspire CXCAS
Kapitel 3 - Övning 3 - Ljusintensitet och färg
Verlag: Texas Instruments Sverige | Education Technology
Autor: TI Sweden
Fach: STEM

Koda med TI | Ljusintensitet, If och While | TI-Nspire CX CAS
Kapitel 3 - Tillämpning - Handgjord musik
Verlag: Texas Instruments Sverige | Education Technology
Autor: TI Sweden
Fach: STEM

TI-Nspire CAS in Engineering Mathematics
Using TI-Nspire CAS for teaching and learning of mathematics in engineering courses such as calculus (single variable, multiple variables), linear algebra, differential equations, complex a…
Verlag: T³ Europe
Autor: Michel Beaudin, T³ Europe
Fach: STEM

TI-Nspire CAS in Engineering Mathematics: First Order Systems and Symbolic Matrix Exponentiation
Solving Ordinary Differential Equations by using a library of Laplace Transformations
Verlag: T³ Europe
Autor: Michel Beaudin, T³ Europe
Fach: STEM

Smart Irrigation System for TI-Nspire CX
Students are challenged to use science and technology to design and build a system that utilizes a limited amount of water in a “smart” way to grow crops.
Autor: Texas Instruments Inc.
Fach: STEM

Loi inverse binomiale - TI 83 Premium CE
Utiliser la loi Inverse Binomale imcorporée à la version 5.2 du système d’exploitation de la TI-83 Premium CE afin de calculer facilement un intervalle de fluctuation.
Autor: Texas Instruments France
Fach: Mathematics

Application PolySmlt 2- TI 83 Premium CE
Utilisation de l'application PolySmlt2 pour résoudre des polynômes et des systèmes d'équation linéaires. Tutoriel avec la calculatrice TI-83 Premium CE.
Autor: Texas Instruments France
Fach: Mathematics