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Advent, Advent, ein Lichtlein brennt … Anregungen zur „Kerzenaufgabe“
In dem Beitrag werden Anregungen zur Variation der sog. Kerzenaufgabe gegeben. Die Dokumentation der Lösung zeigt die Möglichkeiten des TI-30X Prio MathPrint.
Verlag: T³ Deutschland - Materialien
Autor: Wilfried Zappe
Fach: Mathematics

Ausgleichsgerade für lineare Zusammenhänge
Eine Aufgabensammlung zu Daten, die mit den Mitteln des TI-30X Prio MathPrint auf das Vorliegen eines linearen Zusammenhangs untersucht werden.
Verlag: T³ Deutschland
Autor: Wilfried Zappe
Fach: Mathematics, STEM

Die Nutzung der TI-Nspire CAS App für iPad an Beispielen erklärt - Teil 1
In einer neu entstehenden Reihe versorgen wir Sie mit zahlreichen Lehr- und Lern-Beispielen unter Anwendung der TI-Nspire™ CAS App für iPad®. Hier finden Sie Anregungen, Aufgaben und Tipps.
Verlag: Texas Instruments Education Technology
Autor: Wolfgang Häfner
Fach: Mathematics

On-Ramp to Robotics Unit 1 (Motion) with Mars Rover Challenge for TI-84 Plus CE Python
Students will learn and use foundational concepts for robotic vehicle control along with math concepts to write a program to drive their Rover around the base of the Olympus Mons volcano on…
Verlag: Texas Instruments Inc.
Fach: Computer Science, STEM

Rover, Watch out for Rover - TI-84 Plus CE Python
Students take measurements, determine a pattern, make a prediction and then check it in a competition or activity.
Verlag: Texas Instruments Inc.
Fach: Mathematics

Undersöka förändringshastigheter | TI-84 Plus CE-T
Kurs 3 - I denna aktivitet ska vi undersöka förändringshastigheten i tre olika situationer. Alla handlar om pengar.
Verlag: Texas Instruments Sverige | Education Technology, TI Sweden
Fach: Mathematics

On-Ramp to Robotics Unit 1 (Motion) with Mars Rover Challenge for TI-Nspire CXII Python
Students will learn and use basic concepts for robotic vehicle control along with math concepts to write a program to drive their Rover around the base of the Olympus Mons volcano on Mars.
Verlag: Texas Instruments Inc.
Fach: Computer Science, Mathematics, STEM

Rover, Watch out for Rover - TI-Nspire CXII Python
Students take measurements, determine a pattern, make a prediction and then check it in a competition or activity.
Verlag: Texas Instruments Inc.
Fach: Mathematics

DRAFT- On-Ramp to Robotics Unit 1 (Motion) Mars Rover Challenge for TI-Nspire CXII Python
Students will learn and use basic concepts for robotic vehicle control along with math concepts to write a program to drive their Rover around the base of the Olympus Mons volcano on Mars.
Verlag: Texas Instruments Inc.
Fach: Computer Science, Mathematics, STEM

Rover, Watch out for Rover! for the TI-Nspire CX
Students take measurements, determine a pattern, make a prediction and then check it in a competition or activity.
Verlag: Texas Instruments Inc.
Fach: Mathematics

Playground activity: Will you take a risk or play it safe?
It's a risk taking and optimization game. Participants will play a game against each other to find the best or optimized solution for given challenge.
Verlag: T³ Türkiye
Autor: Yunus Emre Doğan
Fach: Mathematics, STEM

Övningar på linjära samband | TI-84 Plus CE-T
Kurs 1 - Samband och förändring - I denna aktivitet förutsätts att du är bekant med vad en linjär funktion är.
Verlag: Texas Instruments Sverige | Education Technology
Autor: TI Sweden
Fach: Mathematics

Hantera linjära funktioner | TI-84 Plus CE-T
Kurs 1 - Funktioner
Verlag: Texas Instruments Sverige | Education Technology
Autor: TI Sweden
Fach: Mathematics

Video | Geometri med TI-Nspire
Utforska genom att rita punkter, linjer, trianglar och cirklar.
Verlag: Texas Instruments Sverige | Education Technology
Autor: Texas Instruments Sverige | Education Technology
Fach: Mathematics

Utforska grafiska linjära funktioner
Verlag: Texas Instruments Sverige | Education Technology
Autor: Texas Instruments Sverige | Education Technology
Fach: Mathematics

Tillämpning av linjära olikheter
Ma 2 - Algebra - Tillämpningar av linjära olikheter.
Verlag: Texas Instruments Sverige | Education Technology
Autor: Texas Instruments Inc.
Fach: Mathematics

On-Ramp to Robotics Unit 1 (Motion) with Mars Rover Challenge for TI-84 Plus CE
Students will learn and use basic concepts for robotic vehicle control along with math concepts to write a program to drive their Rover around the base of the Olympus Mons volcano on Mars.
Autor: Texas Instruments Inc.
Fach: Computer Science, Mathematics, STEM

Algebra with the TiNspire CX - Step by Step
Solve Algebra Problems - Step by Step - using the TiNspire CX or TiNspire CX CAS
Autor: SmartSoft
Fach: Mathematics