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Functies en vergelijkingen van de tweede graad
Dynamisch en geschikt voor CAS
Verlag: T³ Vlaanderen
Autor: Benno Frei, Robert Märki, René Hugelshofer, Guido Herweyers
Fach: Mathematics
How and why transition from TI-84 to TI-Nspire CX
Results of the discussion group DG1.8 at Sharing Inspirations 2019.
Theme: Transition from TI-84 to TI-Nspire.
Autor: Epi van Winsen
Fach: Mathematics
Are Mathematical and Scientific Models different?
Using the fitting of curves to cables this activity examines the nature of scientific and mathematical modeling. Either student instruction or CPD for professionals.
Verlag: T³ Europe
Autor: Ian Galloway
Fach: STEM
Bu bölümde TI-84 içinde kullanıma hazır halde bulunan TI-BASIC programlama dili ile ikinci dereceden denklemlerin köklerini inceleyen bir program yazdık.
Verlag: T³ Türkiye
Autor: Yunus Emre Doğan
Fach: Mathematics
Ma 2 - Dynamisk utforskning av tangenten till en parabel
Verlag: Texas Instruments Sverige | Education Technology
Autor: Texas Instruments Sverige | Education Technology
Fach: Mathematics
Ma 2 - Geometri | Linjära och icke linjära modeller | I denna övning ska vi studera en parabels optiska egenskaper.
Autor: Texas Instruments Sverige | Education Technology
Fach: Mathematics
Découverte du logiciel TI-SmartView CE - Utilisation
Découvrez les différentes fonctionnalités du logiciel TI-SmartView CE.
Autor: Texas Instruments France
Fach: Mathematics
TI-SmartView CE - TI 83 Premium CE
Télécharger et découvrir le logiciel TI-SmartView™CE pour calculatrices graphiques.
Autor: Texas Instruments France
Fach: Mathematics