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Introduction to the Wonder Workshop Dash with TI technology and programming Dash with a set of Geometry challenges for middle school and high school students.
Verlag: Texas Instruments Inc., Texas Instruments Education Technology
Fach: Computer Science, Mathematics, STEM

Meet the TI-Rover with geometry challenges
Introduction to the TI-Rover technology and programming Rover with a set of Geometry challenges for middle school and high school students.
Verlag: Texas Instruments Inc.
Fach: Mathematics

Cikrels & Kegelsnedes TI-84 Plus CE-T
Verlag: WIL-de Wiskunde
Herausgeber: WIL-de Wiskunde
Autor: WIL-de Wiskunde
Fach: Mathematics

Verticale lijn TI-84 Plus CE-T
Verlag: WIL-de Wiskunde
Herausgeber: WIL-de Wiskunde
Autor: WIL-de Wiskunde
Fach: Mathematics

Een uitgebreide variant van de ABC-formule
Verlag: Jan Elemans
Herausgeber: Jan Elemans
Autor: Jan Elemans
Fach: Mathematics

Innovator and Rover in the classroom
I have been been using the TI Innovator and Rover with both Primary and Secondary students (9 to 18 year olds) for over a year now.
Autor: John Bament
Fach: Biology, Computer Science, Mathematics

Solution of equation f(x)=0 with iterative method
Autor: Antonio Maddalosso, Fabrizio Zironi
Fach: Mathematics

Omgeschreven cirkel TI-Nspire CX
Verlag: WIL-de Wiskunde, T³ Nederland
Autor: WIL-de Wiskunde
Fach: Mathematics

Programmation 2 sur TI-Nspire™ CX CAS
Tutoriel de programmation avec la calculatrice TI-Nspire™ CX CAS.
En savoir plus :
Autor: Texas Instruments France
Fach: Mathematics

Partage d'écran - TI 83 Premium CE
Partage de l'écran de la calculatrice TI-83 Premium afin d'afficher simultanément une représentation graphique et un tableau de valeurs.
Autor: Texas Instruments France
Fach: Mathematics

Modes de la calculatrice TI-83 Premium ce
Bref descriptif des réglages de la calculatrice TI-83 Premium et aide à la compréhension en cas d'affichage non souhaité par l'utilisateur.
Autor: Texas Instruments France
Fach: Mathematics

Intégrale avec la TI-83 Premium CE
Calculer une intégrale définie à partir de la représentation graphique de la fonction. Puis directement dans l'éditeur de la calculatrice TI-83 Premium CE.
Autor: Texas Instruments France
Fach: Mathematics

Simple properties of medians, central verticals, angle bisectors and heights are shown.The idea is to show that it is not self-evident, that transversal lines in a triangle intersect in one…
Autor: Dieter Bergmann
Fach: Mathematics

Connecting Algebra, Geometry and Graphs
Move from words to symbols, to geometric representations, to plotted points and finally to graphs.
Verlag: Texas Instruments UK
Herausgeber: Barrie Galpin
Autor: Allan Duncan
Fach: Mathematics

A dynamic approach to enlargement and similarity
Verlag: Texas Instruments UK
Herausgeber: Barrie Galpin
Autor: Jay Timotheus
Fach: Mathematics

Move congruent squares to form nets, polyominoes and other shapes. (Ideally used with TI-Nspire Navigator)
Verlag: Texas Instruments UK
Herausgeber: Barrie Galpin
Fach: Mathematics

Investigate shapes formed by joining mid-points of adjacent sides of a quadrilateral.
Verlag: Texas Instruments UK
Herausgeber: Barrie Galpin
Fach: Mathematics

Investigate the ratio of perimeter to diameter for regular polygons.
Verlag: Texas Instruments UK
Herausgeber: Barrie Galpin
Fach: Mathematics