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Vectors in Science Education

Students learn that some physical quantities behave like vectors fairly early. However the nature of vectors and the application of vector algebra model to real life situations is often fai…

Verlag: T³ Europe

Autor: Ian Galloway

Fach:  Mathematics, Physics

Schlagwörter: Vector calculus, Physics, Sharing Inspiration 2021

Are Mathematical and Scientific Models different?

Using the fitting of curves to cables this activity examines the nature of scientific and mathematical modeling. Either student instruction or CPD for professionals.

Verlag: T³ Europe

Autor: Ian Galloway

Fach:  STEM

Schlagwörter: Modeling, Parabola, Physics, Quadratic, Software, Tangent, Vector calculus

Koda med TI | Loopar | TI-84 Plus

Kapitel 4 - Övning 1 - Loopar och For(…)-loopen.

Verlag: Texas Instruments Sverige | Education Technology

Autor: TI Sweden

Fach:  STEM

Schlagwörter: Programming, T3, Vector calculus


Ma 1 - Geometri - I de nya ämnesplanerna från 2011 ska eleverna i kurs 1c studera vektorbegreppet.

Autor: Texas Instruments Sverige | Education Technology

Fach:  Mathematics

Schlagwörter: Curriculum, Vector calculus